Turn Your Dream Coaching Business into a Revenue-Generating Reality


Get trained in the business of coaching. Create your dream coaching business. And then launch it to the world.

Study Online

Flexible remote learning on your own time and the device of your choosing. 

Lifetime Access

Your access to the course and the PHCI community never expires.

Unlock the doors to our Business Resource Center

Get tools, resources, and done-for-you materials to start and grow your business.

What You'll Receive

This certification program is designed expressly for turning coaches into entrepreneurs. Think of it as an online MBA for coaches. You’ll be building your business as you go and it will be ready for launch as soon as you graduate.
  • Online course made up of 5 chapters 
  • Build an authentic coaching practice. Get clear on the type of clients you want to work with, develop your business niche and product, and complete hands-on marketing activities like building your website and creating a 90-day marketing plan.
  • 5 business development projects
  • Each chapter has a relevant Business Development Project to help you shape your coaching practice and start or level-up your business. These lessons include practical exercises that lay the foundation for the coaching business of your dreams.
  • Learn advanced sales techniques from a master coach
  • Bestselling author and world-renowned coach Christine Hassler will demystify discovery, sales, and enrollment and have you feeling confident about meeting prospects, onboarding clients, and nurturing relationships.
  • Access our exclusive Business Resource Center
  • Once you graduate, we’ll open the doors to our Business Resource Center, where you’ll find logos, handouts, forms, and other materials to help kickstart a coaching business. We also set you up with the Primal Health Coach 12-Week Program to use with clients.
  • Join a private Primal Health Coach Institute Facebook community
  • Network and stay motivated with the Primal Health Coach Institute team and your peers in our private Facebook community.






What You'll Learn

Build your business from the ground up. We’ll teach you the essentials of marketing and business development so you feel confident going to business. We even have a chapter dedicated to writing disclaimers and client agreements, as well as the benefits of having liability insurance and working with someone who understands the laws in your region. By the end of this course you will have:
  • Created your unique value proposition
  • Written a one-page sales page
  • Formulated your coaching product 
  • Developed a 90-day marketing plan
  • Built a website
  • Established your business
  • Created a framework for enrollment

Course Outline



Course Overview

Downloading Files Within the Course

Meet Your Faculty and Staff

Legal & Support

Disclaimer and Copyright Notice





Upcoming Webinars

Archived Webinars

Peer and Faculty Support & Connection via Facebook

Business-Building Introduction: Building Your Coaching Business

Skills for Building a Successful Business

You Don't HAVE to Build a Business if You Don't Want To

Chapter 1 - What Problem Do You Solve for Whom?

Who Are You, Who Do You Help, Why, and How?

Who Are You?

EXERCISE: Write Your Story

Who Do You Help?

EXERCISE: Discover Your Ideal Client

What Is Your Unique Value Proposition?

EXERCISE: Create Your Unique Value Proposition

Chapter 1 Curriculum Audio

Chapter 1 Exam

Business Development Project #1: Write Your One-Page

Write Your One-Page

Chapter 2 - Programming: Create a Health Coaching Product

Create a Signature Health Coaching Product

Coaching Formats

Recommendation: Begin with One-on-One Coaching

CASE STUDY: Beginning with One-on-One, then Scaling to Group Coaching

The Short-Duration Challenge

CASE STUDY: Using a Short-Duration Challenge to Convert One-on-One Clients

The 12-Week Primal Health Coaching Program Flow

Enrolling Your Client


The Onboarding Session

Weekly Check-In

Additional Coaching Tools

Client Successes and Struggles

Graduate Your Client

Program Completion: Celebrate Success

DEMO: A 12-Week Primal Health Coaching Relationship

PROGRAMMING SUPPORT MATERIALS: The 12-Week Primal Health Coaching Program



Chapter 2 Curriculum Audio

Chapter 2 Exam

Business Development Project #2: Product Ideation and Creation

Build It and Get Ready To Sell It. Yes: Right Now!

Product Ideation

Determine Your Pricing

Name Your Product

Sell Your Product

Create Online Forms

Audit the Customer Experience

Chapter 3 - Liability and Protecting Yourself

Protect Yourself from Liability

Create a Disclaimer

Publish your Terms and Conditions


Have a Coach-Client Agreement

The #1 Way to Protect Yourself...

Liability Insurance

Hire a Lawyer

Chapter 3 Curriculum Audio

Chapter 3 Exam

BONUS: Legal Help for Health Coaches, from Cory Sterling

What Business Type is Best?

EXERCISE: Write your Disclaimer, Terms and Conditions, and Privacy Policy

EXERCISE: Write Your Client Agreement

Chapter 4 - Marketing

Introduction to Small Business Marketing

Build Your Marketing Plan

Client Generation Blueprint

Inbound Marketing: Help Clients Find YOU

ATTRACT: Content Marketing

CONVERT: Turn Traffic into Leads

CONVERT: Nurture Leads with Automated Email

CLOSE: Email Examples

CLOSE: Making the Sale

DELIGHT: Impress Your Clients and Earn Referral Business

How, When, and What to Outsource

Marketing Glossary

Chapter Summary

Chapter 4 Curriculum - Audio

Chapter 4 Exam

Business Development Project #4: Put Yourself "Out There"

Search for a Web Domain and Social Media Handles

Build a Website

TUTORIAL: How to Build a Website and Blog in WordPress

Connect Your Website to Your Domain

Connect Your Email Address to Your Website

TUTORIAL: Create a PDF eBook as a Lead Magnet

TUTORIAL: Set Up an Autoresponder Sequence with MailChimp

TUTORIAL: Set Up an Autoresponder Sequence with Keap

EXERCISE: Create and Post Content

EXERCISE: Business Analysis

Chapter 5 - Sales & Enrollment

Sales = Enrollment

Build Your Marketing Plan

Sales and Your Money Mindset

Authentic Engagement

You Only Need One Client

Video Supplement: Sales Is Just a Conversation

Discovery: Securing Clients

Mindset: The Key to Enrollment

Pricing: What to Charge?

A NO Is Usually a MAYBE

It's a YES: Now You're a Coach

Chapter 5 Curriculum Audio

Chapter 5 Exam

Business Development Project #5: Create an Enrollment Framework

EXERCISE: Build Your Framework for the Discovery Call


Business Expert Final Exam

What Our Grads Say

Completing the Primal Health Coach Program has proven to be an invaluable asset to my coaching practice. I'm so much more prepared to explain the benefits of a primal lifestyle to my clients and coach them as they take their health, fitness, and performance to a higher level than they ever thought possible.

James Arthur

Certified Primal Health Coach

The Primal Health Coach Program expanded my access to and credibility with people who embrace primal principles but who may not have considered holistic medicine, enhancing my practice and extending my professional reach. 

Dr. Dana Leigh Lyons

Certified Primal Health Coach

The knowledge I learned from the Primal Health Coach Program allowed me to skillfully integrate for my patients the healing power of Periodontal Laser Therapy with the healing power of primal lifestyle and diet. 

Alvin H. Danenberg, DDS

Certified Primal Health Coach

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I earn my business certification from the Primal Health Coach Institute?

Our Business Expert Certification Course turns your dream coaching business into a revenue-generating reality. No matter where you are in your business today, by the time you have your certification in hand you will have created your unique value proposition, written a sales page, built and launched your website—complete with payment system and all—created a 90-day marketing plan, set up your business with liability in place, and created a sales framework so that sales are no longer scary. 

How long will it take for me to complete the course and earn my certification?

This is self-paced course. This means that you can progress through the course sequentially, chapter by chapter, at a pace that is natural to you and that aligns with your personal and professional aspirations. This course typically takes a student approximately six weeks to complete in a part-time manner, but could be completed in as little as three weeks. Enrollment gives you lifetime access to all the course material.

How difficult is the online course and business development projects?

The lessons set you up for success with the associated business development projects, and we’re here to help you at every leg of the course. As long as you carve out the space and time to dedicate to the coursework and all activities, you’ll successfully earn your certification and have a launch-ready coaching business to show for it!

How does the Business Expert Certification Program fit in with PHCI’s flagship coaching courses?

The Business Expert Certification is an in-depth course on the business of coaching. It’s also the third pillar of our flagship coaching certification programs: the Primal Health Coach Certification and the Primal Fitness Coach Certification. These two flagship courses include all the business lessons found in the Business Expert Certification Course, plus additional chapters and advanced training dedicated to health, nutrition, fitness, and coaching skills development.

I’ve taken other online courses and they didn’t live up to my expectations. How is this course different?

This course focuses solely on the business of coaching. You also get access to our Business Resource Center, which teaches you how to become more visible in your community, create an internet presence and make social media work for you, develop your niche and brand your business, and covers the ins and outs of group coaching. We offer a comprehensive guide to rates and programming, as well as a turn-key health and fitness program to take your client through 12-weeks of exciting, game-changing, lifestyle improvement. We continually update this learning center, providing tutorials on a range of topics that are of high interest to Primal Health Coaches.

Turning Coaches Into Entrepreneurs

Starting a business isn’t easy—not even for expert coaches. Get an education in business that’s designed specifically for coaches like you. So you can start making money and changing lives on an epic scale.