Dr. Wendy Trubow shares her personal encounters with mold and its impact on health, emphasizing the need for all of us to address its effects. Dr. Trubow recounts experiences living in mold-prone environments and discusses the connection between allergies and mold exposure, drawing from both personal experience and expert insights.
The conversation also delves into the importance of testing for mold and highlights the significance of thorough home renovations to uncover hidden mold. Dr. Trubow reinforces both the need for awareness and taking action when dealing with mold-related health risks.
Dr. Trubow explores methods to decrease sensitivity and increase resilience, including eliminating toxins and environmental allergens. She shares practical tips for addressing mold issues in the home and focuses on the collective empowerment of tackling this health topic.
To learn how to become a health coach or to up-level your skills and credentials as a health coach, visit primalhealthcoach.com.

Episode Overview:
- 0:00:00 Dr. Wendie Trubow's introduction and expertise
- 0:05:11 Clusters of symptoms and seeking better health
- 0:08:02 Empowering clients with constructive coaching conversations
- 0:13:58 The barriers to healthy living
- 0:18:32 Asking the right question: what's in the way?
- 0:23:05 Finding time for self-care and productivity
- 0:26:05 Prioritizing core issues: relationships and job satisfaction
- 0:28:42 Offloading non-joyful tasks for better well-being
- 0:31:48 Special offer: free trial access and discount code
- 0:32:14 Three major categories of toxins
- 0:36:48 Detox systems: importance and recommendations
- 0:40:14 Gut health and cleansing with natural fiber
- 0:43:45 Finding and choosing good products
- 0:48:25 Different tests and treatment options for mold and toxins
- 0:51:22 Mitigating the effects of modern life and exposures
- 0:54:45 Testing fails to detect hidden mold; rip everything out during construction.
- 0:58:37 Moving out during renovation to improve indoor air quality.
- 1:01:27 Empowering health coaches: small tweaks for better health
- 1:03:28 Introduction to the topic of coaching and audio book plans
Connect with Dr. Wendie at:
- Website: drwendie.com
- Book: dirty-girl-book
- Instagram: @wendietrubowmd
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Health Coach Radio is a podcast that dives deep into the world of health and fitness coaching, brought to you by Primal Health Coach Institute, founded by the renowned Mark Sisson. Join your hosts, Erin and Laura, both proud graduates of Primal Health Coach Institute, as they share inspiring stories and expert insights on elevating your coaching practice.
If you're curious about transforming your life through the power of health and/or fitness coaching, visit primalhealthcoach.com. Discover the transformative journey of Primal living and explore how Primal Health Coach Institute can empower you to make a real impact on people's lives.