We have previously discussed the benefits of adding health coaching to your gym. The benefits range from getting your clients better results to boosting your referral rate to earning more revenue.
In this post, we’ll take a close look at that final point, and explore how health coaching can make your gym more profitable.
1. Attract More Clients
People are becoming more aware that nutrition and other lifestyle factors play an important role in health and longevity.
This awareness is increasing the demand for holistic health services.
Offering health coaching at your gym is a clever way to attract more clients and increase your profits.
Health coaching provides an opportunity to tap into a previously untouched demographic that may not have shown interest in your other gym services. These new clients may simply come to your gym for health coaching and nothing more.
Another demographic that health coaching may attract is people who like the idea of a one-stop health and fitness program. These clients will be happy to pay for a well-rounded service that includes a combination of health and fitness coaching.
2. Earn More from Existing Members
Besides attracting new clients, health coaching can also generate more money from your existing members.
Here are some useful tips on how to best integrate health coaching into your current gym offerings.
1. Offer Free Health Coaching with Gym Membership
Offering a free health coaching trial package as a complementary service with each gym membership is a great way to promote your health coaching services to existing members.
This health coaching trial package will expose your existing clients to the benefits of health coaching, and they’ll be more likely to sign up for future health coaching services, or recommend them to friends and family.
2. Bundle Health Coaching with Gym Membership
Another way to integrate health coaching into your existing gym offerings is to create a health and fitness bundle.
Your health and fitness bundle would work well as a follow-on service for clients who took part in your free health coaching trial package.
Bundling your health coaching with your existing gym services can increase your earnings in a couple of ways.
Firstly, you can charge more for your health and fitness bundle. This well-rounded program will offer everything your members require to achieve their health and fitness goals.
Your members are more likely to pay extra if they have already had some experience with your program, or it has been recommended by someone they trust.
Also, clients participating in a combined health and fitness coaching program are more likely to reach their goals. In turn, client retention will improve and so will your client referrals, both of which are going to bring in additional profits.
3. Upsell Your Health Coaching Services
Upselling your health coaching services is another great way to increase your earnings.
Health coaching can be offered as an additional service on top of other gym services. Boost the appeal of your health coaching with incentives such as discounts and bonuses.
3. Offer Different Health Coaching Options
Health coaching, very much like fitness training, can take on many forms, from one-on-one coaching to large scale community workshops.
Next we’ll outline what’s involved with the different types of health coaching formats and how you can generate profits from each of them.
1. One-On-One Health Coaching
One-on-one health coaching offers a client exclusive access to you as their coach. It is a personalized coaching service that will set your client up for the greatest chance of success.
One-on-one health coaching is a premium option for your clients, so they will expect the silver service. Make sure you are well prepared for each client, and ensure that you make your clients feel like the most important person during their time with you.
Successful coaches choose clients that fall within the scope of their ideal client. This allows them to provide the best coaching possible. A great one-on-one health coach possesses the ability to build common ground and trust with each of their clients.
Your clients’ success and happiness is key to your success as a one-on-one health coach. If you’re successful at helping your clients achieve their health goals, then this will lead to longer client retention and more client referrals.
2. Group Health Coaching
Group health coaching is well suited for a gym environment.
The key to group health coaching is to build a sense of camaraderie amongst your members. Research has shown that when an individual makes a commitment towards their goals in front of a group, they feel a greater sense of responsibility to follow through (PDF).
Participants also feel less alone and are often more open to learning from their peers.
Also, group health coaching is more affordable than one-on-one health coaching, and may prove to be more popular amongst your gym members who are already paying for other gym services.
Group coaching has the potential to generate significant income for your gym. For example, a group health coaching class filled with ten members will bring in more revenue than a single one-on-one health coaching session.
3. Community-based Health Coaching Workshops
Hosting a pay-for-service community-based health coaching workshop outside your gym has the potential to bring in substantial profit.
A community outreach health coaching workshop is a perfect opportunity to showcase your health coaching services on a large scale and it brings awareness of your gym to a new demographic.
An added bonus for hosting a community-based health coaching workshop is the potential for attracting new clients to your gym.
To summarize, health coaching and fitness go hand and hand.
The addition of health coaching to your gym services will bring a new dimension to your services and will help your gym stand out amongst the rest.
It will allow you to generate new revenue from your existing members and will also attract new clients to your gym.
Health coaching can be offered in many different forms, depending on your clients and your coaching strategy.
Here we’ve scratched the surface on how health coaching can make your gym more profitable, but in reality, the possibilities are endless.
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