Taren Gesell (AKA Triathlon Taren) is a former financial analyst turned full-time triathlon influencer and thought leader for age-grouper triathletes. Taren initially found his calling as Triathlon Taren by simply making videos about a sport that he loved and has since transformed that passion for the sport into a full-time career. We discuss Taren’s path to success, how he earns a living operating in a small niche market, and why he believes that taking action is the single most important step for creating a successful business. Taren’s goal is to create a comfortable living while putting something unique and cool out there into the world and we believe that he is absolutely knocking it out of the park!
Connect with Taren at:
Facebook: facebook.com/triathlontaren/
Instagram: instagram.com/triathlontaren/
Website: protrianthlontraining.com
Website: teamtrainiac.com
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