This week’s guest on Health Coach Radio is Dr. John Jaquish, the outspoken inventor of the X3 bar and the OsteoStrong methodology. OsteoStrong helps to reverse or prevent reduced bone density, one of the leading causes of advanced physical aging, while the X3 bar helps to prevent the other equally daunting aspect to physical aging, reduced strength, and muscle mass. During this episode, we get into the inefficiency of the typical weight lifting session and why variable resistance training may be the answer that we’ve all been looking for. We also discuss why there is no way of getting around lifting heavy if you want to reshape your muscles, how to reduce the risk of lifting heavyweight and why fitness is the most failed human endeavor of all. This conversation truly is a rallying cry for the fitness industry to get in gear and modernize its views on how we get people moving and how we get them stronger! We are here for it, and we know you will love this conversation with Dr. John Jaquish!
Connect with Dr. John at:
Instagram: @drjaquish
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