Chris Mirabile is the founder and CEO of Novos – the first human longevity company to simultaneously address the 12 root causes of aging, through their innovative patent-pending over-the-counter formulations.
During this conversation Chris discusses what aging has historically been, in terms of becoming decrepit with failing health. Chris also shares an alternative, healthier way to age, which can be achieved by making intentional healthier choices.
We learn why Chris became so interested in aging (he had a brain tumour as a kid), he tells us all about the term “antagonistic pleiotropy” (a fancy way of explaining how our genes age), and what aging really is (it’s not just wrinkles).
Chris explains the difference between coaching someone for longevity, versus coaching someone who is interested in gaining muscle mass. He also shares how the USA is one of the only countries in the world that has reduced its health span while increasing its lifespan.
This episode is very fun and exciting. Even if you don’t coach anyone who is worried about aging or longevity (at the moment, anyway) we know you’ll enjoy it.
To learn how to become a health coach or to up-level your skills and credentials as a health coach, visit
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Instagram: @slowmyage
Business Instagram: @novoslabs
LinkedIn: chrismirabile
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